Processing Service  

Kodachrome K40
This amazing warm-colored film started an era in the early sixties: a three minute film in a cassette – super 8 was born. It was processed in Kodak labs all over the world up until a few years ago.
Kodak's original recipe is not a secret but quite complicated: 13 baths!

I can develop it black & white negative (developer: Caffenol, an eco developer based on coffee). The results are more or less contrasty depending on age and storage of the film. You can have the film inverted while digitizing. I don't do it myself, but I can recommend the Screenshot people in Berlin.

Fun Fact: I'm the only developing service in the world that offers professional black and white negative development of the Kodachromes with biological developer! This developer is called CAFFENOL and consists of instant coffee, washing soda and vitamin C. I have had good experience with it for years.

B&W negative: 38 €
(+ 19% tax = 45.22 € in Germany. Rest of the world no tax. Plus postage. Payment via PayPal)
If you have more than 1 cassette I can offer you discount of course. Send me an email!

Black-and-white positive? No more available! I just don't get any more good results with Kodachrome being processed reversal. These films are too expired, too weak for the strong bleach …

Color reversal film
Many old color reversal (positive) films are no longer developed by film laboratories, as they like to mess up the developer (color layers peeling off, smeary remjet protective layer), and a good result can not be guaranteed.

I develop old Agfa-Moviechrome films and Kodak Ektachrome. As well as ORWO. And Revue. As well as Single 8: Fujichrome R 25 and RT 200! And weird films like Pilot, Peruchrome and more …using E6 (= color reversal method).

The Agfa-Movie Chrome films in their blue and white boxes lead to the best results: light pastel colors, azure blueish and the black is more or less green. The reason is that the embedded film color coupler weaken after 40 years. The Ektachromes and ORWOs might become, depending on their age, pastel or, at worst, very light and low in contrast, up to completely transparent. E6 chemistry needs 38°. ORWO was previously developed at 27°, while warmer temperatures lead to detachment of the layer. I made good experiences at 22 - 30° temperature.

I develop color films only if I have at least 4 pieces. The chemistry is expensive, but it is enough for about 8 super 8 films and it stays fresh for a couple of weeks.

Color chemistry is becoming rare!The Tetenal company no longer delivers. It's getting harder to get … and a lot more expensive. So I'm raising my prices.

Colour: 48 € (+ 19% tax = 57.12 € in Germany. Rest of the world no tax. Payment via PayPal)
If you have more than 1 cassette I can offer you discount of course. Send me an email!

Ask me for other formats!
35mm negatives, double 8 … Kodachrome 25 or 64 or 200 … Colour negatives … Single 8 … Double (Super) 8 … 16 mm …


Want to know more?

Kodachrome on Wiki

The Kodachrome story - History of modern color film

Dwaynes – the last Kodachrome lab (closed 2010) – great Kodachrome info!

Andec – processing almost any film (in Berlin)

Foto-Impex – developing photos, sells chemicals and everything for the analog photography! (in Berlin)

Dagie processing a film:Spiralize it!

  I highly recommend these digitizer guys in Berlin:
Reels are getting rare ... I have to charge you now for them :-(
I wrap the finished film on a small
15 m reel – 1 Euro.
2 films on the one for 3€, 4 on the 5 €, 8 on the one for 8 €!